» Customer requirement
❶ Large screen multiplexed multiple panels
❷ Make the background for the studio
❸ Display high quality image
❹ Allows to display multiple video sources on the system
❺ Advanced image processing: 2D, 3D... effects

» System proposal
With this project, we used display screen from Christie.
• Screen tranplant Christe Video wall 2x2 LCD 55''matrix coupling 2 row x 2 colum [meet for ❶ & ❷]
• Image processing systems: Spyder x80 (integrated specialized software) [meet for ❸, ❹ & ❺]
Beside, Frame mounting system: synchronized with Christe. The chosen system features:
+ High performance – high brightness, wide color gamut, superb contrast, excellent brightness and white level uniformity
+ Ultra high contrast, view-ability and display performance
+ Super-fast still loading for backgrounds and as source content
+ User-defined color bit depth. 80 megapixel bandwidth at 8 bit and 53 megapixel at 12 bit
+ Customizable multi-viewer output(s) arranges sources, display areas, program and preview for real-time monitoring

» Installation
Video Wall Project for VTV Studio is one of our finest project. We sure that everyone knows the beautiful background behind the MC? That is our big screen which we are proud of.
This is VTV Studio Project we made in 2013, including LCD55” screens and DLP70” screens for the main studio.
» Customer feedback:
"" Screen for displaying beautiful images with high resolution. Despite using a long gain, but the system is still running smoothly. Starview worthy debuted at number 1 on the screen transplant. ""